Use this stack to determine if your system contains all of the fonts and font sizes the WildCard Stacks use.
The stacks that come with WildCard use the screen fonts Geneva, New York, and Times, in the sizes 9,10,12,14,18 and 24 point. If the system you use with WildCard is missing any of these fonts or font sizes, some text on the screen will look strange.
Look closely at the two columns of text on each test card . The words on the left should look exactly like the words on the right. If a line looks different, your system is missing that font in that size.
If you need to add a font or size, this stack will open
Apple's Font/DA Mover for you, so you can add the fonts to
your system. For this to work, first drag the file
"Fonts for WildCard " and your copy of the Font/DA Mover